
201 | Analysis of synaptic properties of GABA/glutamate co-releasing Synapses at the Lateral Habenula

Neural excitability, synaptic transmission and neuron-glia interactions

Author: Claudia Mosquera | email: claudia.mosquera@correounivalle.edu.co

Claudia Mosquera , Joaquin Piriz


The Lateral Habenula (LHb) is a small epithalamic nucleus that has been linked to mood disorders such as depression, drug addiction or anxiety. Neurons of the LHb are almost the unique brain structure to be innervated by synapses that co-release GABA and glutamate. Thus GABA/glutamate co-releasing synapses constitute an attractive target to selectively manipulate neuronal activity of the LHb in the search for new treatment for those diseases. Here we present our studies analyzing the properties of those synapses in mice model that selectively allows its activation.